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Crittal-style door: a strong architectural element in decors from all horizons

The loft style, characterized by a clean design, is part of the popular trends. It is not uncommon to find built-in partitions and exposed architectural structures. Transforming a door into a partition, an idea drawn from Art Deco movements and modernism typical of early 20th century architecture, is also sought. An example of a featured integration? Crittal-style doors, an element that is both functional and aesthetic popularized by the English manufacturer of steel frame windows Critall Windows Ltd. This addition greatly contributes to the cachet of a living space, without partitioning it or affecting its brightness. In some cases, it literally becomes the focal point of a decor. The crittal door is available in several models, materials (steel, wood, glass) and colors. The one in matt black steel is associated with the industrial look, very present in recent years. We also note a strong keen interest for the crittal doors which incorporate inserts of clear, satin or even fluted glass, allowing maximum clarity to filter in a room.

Whatever style of decor in which you want to introduce this trend, Interbois offers, with its REVŌDOOR range, several models of high quality joined pine. The doors are natural, aesthetic on both sides and easy to install and maintain. Little more: it is possible to tailor them and customize them (size, colors, patterns) to create a unique design, perfectly suited to their needs and tastes. We can introduce a single door or make a combination of partitions and doors to create a crittal door on an entire wall: another great way to exploit this popular element in decoration and to catch the eye!

Interbois notably offers doors with a smooth finish painted in velvety black (see all of the Studiō finish door models right here) which offers a look that is sometimes industrial, sometimes elegant depending on the type of decor in which it takes part. A choice of hardware for sliding doors is also available.

For more information, contact us: 1 844 330-9345 ou info@interbois.ca