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Profile: 1597
Code item: ME1181597
Width 4-1/4"
Thickness 11/32"
Length 9'-10" (118")
Specie Maple
Finish Natural

The landing noses, also sometimes referred to as step noses, extend the landing of a staircase. They are typically fitted into the floor and allow for a smoother transition from the stairs to the floor.


Hardwood is typically used to be stained or varnished to maintain the appearance of the wood grain. It is strongly recommended to lightly sand wooden mouldings and clean them before applying stain or varnish. Allow the wood to acclimate flat, to the air, and to the ambient heat for 48 to 72 hours before installation. Avoid long-term storage in the basement or an unheated garage. Tip: With hardwood, it is advisable to pre-drill the molding before nailing to prevent splitting, especially if using manual tools.

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You know it best: the manufacturing industry is constantly evolving.

Interbois has always offered a wide range of products, based on rigorous and creative product development.

Interbois is a manufacturer dedicated to high-quality products and an essential partner in the evolution of your production. Our technical team is made up of skilled, innovative people with unique know-how.

We have extensive expertise in decorative components as well as windows and doors. We manufacture standard and non-standard wood and MDF components upon request.

Here is an overview of the products we can develop for your sector:

  • Panelling and shiplaps
  • Casings and frames
  • Door stops
  • Crossbars
  • Headers and thresholds
  • Extensions
  • Blow-outs
  • Astragals
  • Brick mouldings
  • Mouldings and wall coverings
Let’s discuss your manufacturing project together!