Ideal for harmonizing the meeting of walls and ceilings, coves enhance the character of a room in a beautiful way. They can also be used for furniture finishing.
Solid select pine is typically used to be stained or varnished to maintain the appearance of the wood grain. It is strongly recommended to clean wooden mouldings before applying stain or varnish. Temperature and humidity changes in the house (sunlight, radiators, fireplaces, or other heat sources) can cause resin seepage, even through the stain. Clean the resin with turpentine if this happens. Allow the wood to acclimate to the air and ambient heat for 48 to 72 hours before installation. Avoid long-term storage in the basement or an unheated garage.
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Interbois is a manufacturer dedicated to high-quality products and an essential partner in the evolution of your production. Our technical team is made up of skilled, innovative people with unique know-how.
We have extensive expertise in decorative components as well as windows and doors. We manufacture standard and non-standard wood and MDF components upon request.